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4 Boletim do Fórum de EJA

19 de Junho/07

II SEJA reúne em Campina Grande mais de 600 participantes

Durante os dias 29 a 30 de maio passado, educadores, pesquisadores, gestores e proponentes de EJA do movimento social organizado da Paraíba participaram, em Campina Grande, de intenso debate sobre os “Caminhos e Dês-caminhos da EJA, hoje”. Tema central do II Seminário de Educação de Jovens e Adultos da Paraíba - II SEJA/PB, que foi abordado por João Francisco de Souza, professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFPE, Coordenador Geral do NUPEP e Editor da Revista Fênix.
Além da análise com tom crítico e provocativo acerca das políticas de educação de jovens e adultos, hora em vigor, durante o debate João Francisco apontou a necessidade de resgatarmos o processo educativo autêntico. “Para atingir essa autenticidade, tem que atentar a todos os aspectos do contexto em que podem acontecer os processos educativos e a todas as dimensões (econômicas, políticas, interpessoais, institucionais, cognitivas e pessoais, entre outras) dos sujeitos (educadores e educandos) envolvidos”, explica Souza.
Outro tema discutido durante o II SEJA/PB foi “As metodologias aplicadas à EJA” com enfoque na proposta de análise do programa Cubano “Sim eu posso” e que esteve sob a coordenação de Wagner Roberto Amaral, da Secretaria da Educação do Paraná. A necessidade de apropriação dessa nova proposta metodológica por educadores e gestores de EJA no Estado foi o que motivou a realização dessa discussão que teve como preocupação maior a seguinte reflexão: “... para garantir sua especificidade, o processo educativo necessita não só atentar a todas as dimensões do ser humano e de sua sociedade, mas também, realizar-se de acordo com as exigências identificadas no contexto histórico-cultural em que acontece. Não se pode, pois, simples-mente, transplantar uma concepção e uma prática pedagógicas de um tempo ou de um contexto a outros, com o argumento de que naquele deu certo” .

GAF avalia o II SEJA/PB

O Grupo Articulador do Fórum de EJA/PB esteve reunido na quinta-feira passada, dia 14/06, para avaliar a realização do II Seminário Estadual de Educação de Jovens e Adultos - II SEJA/PB. Participaram desse momento Zezinha Moura – Zé Peão; Salete e Corneles Van der Poel - RELEJA; Bernardina Silva de Carvalho – ALFASOL/UFPB; Tadeu Lima – CEFET/PB e Jany Mery Alencar - Secretária do Fórum. Entre os pontos avaliados: Infra-estrutura/ Translado/ Alimentação/ Rodas de Diálogo/ Ausência de fala oficial do Fórum na abertura do II SEJA/ Desorganização de alguns aspectos do evento e as Palestras. A déia desse momento avaliativo antecedendo a reunião geral de avaliação do referido evento, que ocorrerá ainda esta semana, dia 21/06 em Campina Grande, foi para refletir alguns aspectos intrínsecos ao papel do próprio GAF na condução do II SEJA/PB.

Saiba tudo sobre a Medalha Paulo Freire 2007

A Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização e Diversidade – SECAD/MEC anuncia a versão 2007 da Medalha Paulo Freire. Para o processo de seleção dos projetos serão observados, preferencialmente, os seguintes critérios básicos:
a) capacidade de mobilização;
b) articulação da ação de alfabetização com outras ações (programas de leitura, programas de qualificação profissional e de geração de renda etc);
c) articulação da ação alfabetizadora com a sua continuidade em processos de educação de jovens e adultos;
d) envolvimento na localidade, em termos de integração com a comunidade, para a execução do projeto de alfabetização;
e) experiência comprovada de, pelo menos, dois anos de atuação em projetos de alfabetização de jovens e adultos;
f) inovação na gestão ou na concepção do projeto de alfabetização.
Em caso de projetos de amplitude nacional, somente poderão concorrer expressões locais desses projetos, ou seja, demonstrações de ações concretas nos territórios dos estados e municípios abrangidos.
O texto a ser encaminhado pelos Fóruns deverá ser apresentado em, no máximo, 10 (dez) páginas, seguindo o roteiro abaixo:
a) apresentação da entidade, justificando sua indicação como instituição de destaque nos esforços para a promoção de ações de alfabetização de jovens e adultos;
b) descrição da estrutura de funcionamento do projeto de alfabetização;
c) formas de sensibilização e mobilização (população atendida);
d) estrutura pedagógica (referencial teórico-metodológico, materiais didáticos, outros recursos utilizados, formação dos alfabetizadores, mecanismos de avaliação e monitoramento);
e) parcerias utilizadas na execução do projeto;
f) resultados alcançados (quantitativos e qualitativos).
Caso o Fórum julgar pertinente, poderão ser anexados, a esse texto, documentos que contribuam para a avaliação da experiência indicada.
Inscrição: envio do projeto aos fóruns estaduais de EJA
26 de abril a 15 de junho
Envio dos nomes dos representantes da Comissão Estadual para a SECAD
até 15 de junho
Seleção pelas Comissões estaduais de duas iniciativas
18 de junho a 06 de julho
Encaminhamento à SECAD de duas iniciativas
até 10 de julho
Pré-seleção de dez iniciativas pela Comissão Técnica da SECAD
11 de julho a 03 de agosto
Visitas técnicas da SECAD às dez entidades pré-selecionadas
06 a 24 de agosto
Seleção pela Comissão Julgadora constituída pelos membros da CNAEJA
29 e 30 de agosto
Divulgação dos resultados junto aos fóruns
31 de agosto a 06 de setembro
Entrega das Medalhas na abertura do IX ENEJA
18 de setembro


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Reds, Baker have deal through

Reds, Baker have deal through 2012

Dusty Baker brought in a tailor during his first spring training as the Reds manager, getting the clubhouse staff ready to look good for the day when the marooned franchise would finally win.

"I said, 'Man, we're going to the playoffs, dude,'" Baker related. "I want them all looking good, clean. And I want them believing that we're going places."ken griffey jr shoes

Two years later, the staff freed those snazzy suits from their protective plastic wrap. And the manager who picked up the tab got a two-year contract extension and a chance to make sure those suits get a lot of wear.

The Reds announced the deal Monday, a reward for the team's first playoff appearance in 15 years.ken griffey shoes

"I think we got here sooner than a lot of people thought - to the playoffs," general manager Walt Jocketty said. "I think a lot of it is due to Dusty's leadership."

Baker is in the final season of his original three-year deal. The front office approached him during the season to talk about an extension, and the sides closed in on an agreement last week while the Reds were clinching the NL Central title.

The superstitious Baker wanted the deal to last two years.griffeys

"I've had some of my best success on two-year contracts," Baker said Monday. "I don't know why."

Baker's coaching staff also was offered two-year extensions before the club worked out, attended a downtown rally and headed to Philadelphia. The Reds open against the defending NL champions on Wednesday.

The Reds were the biggest surprise of the division champions, winning the Central despite a young and inexperienced lineup and pitching rotation. Baker kept it together during one of the tightest pennant races in years. The Reds and Cardinals weren't separated by more than three games from mid-May to mid-August.

The division title was a huge breakthrough.griffeys 2012

Cincinnati hadn't been to the playoffs since 1995, when Davey Johnson took the Reds to the NL championship series, then got replaced by owner Marge Schott, who simply didn't like him. The Reds went through five more managers before hiring Baker, who presided over a quick rebuilding griffeys

The Reds traded Ken Griffey Jr. and Adam Dunn during Baker's first season, beginning a change from power-dependent offense to one that can win by going from first-to-third on a single - a category in which they led the league this season.

"It was very difficult (in 2008)," Baker said. "You know that you're rebuilding at that time. And then you've got to get new leaders, you've got to get a new face or two for the organization."griffey shoes

The Reds brought in third baseman Scott Rolen last year and shortstop Orlando Cabrera in the offseason, adding two veterans who have been to the playoffs. They helped a core of young players pull off the unexpected championship, one that puts Baker in select griffeys 2012

Baker led the Giants and the Cubs to the playoffs before coming to Cincinnati. He joined Bill McKechnie as the only managers to take three NL teams to the playoffs. Nine have taken three different teams to the playoffs overall - McKechnie, Johnson, Tony La Russa, Jim Leyland, Billy Martin, Lou Piniella, Joe Torre and Dick Williams also did it.

Given the team's young core, Baker thinks the staff is going to get more chances to look good in those ken griffey shoes

"To me, this is just a first step hopefully in a long line of wins, in a long line of excellent years," Baker

Mariners go into Winter Meetings "open-minded," but not likely to be bidders for high-priced free agents

The tearing down of a 101-loss Mariners team has been under way since before the disastrous 2010 season ended.

Only 14 of the 25 players who opened the season with the Mariners are still on the 40-man roster and two of those, Matt Tuiasosopo and Rob Johnson, are not considered favorites to make the squad next spring. Mariners general manager Jack Zduriencik continued his reworking in recent days by trading third baseman Jose Lopez and non-tendering pitcher Ryan Rowland-Smith.griffeys

Zduriencik arrives in Florida on Sunday for the annual baseball winter meetings looking to accelerate his plans to rebuild what has been torn down. The Mariners already have youngsters Justin Smoak, Adam Moore, Michael Saunders, Dustin Ackley and Michael Pineda either at or near the majors, but must figure out where they fit and how to bolster an offense that ranked among the worst in the last 40 years.

"I've always believed that you just have to acquire talent," Zduriencik said before leaving for the meetings, which begin Monday and conclude Thursday morning with the Rule 5 draft. "As you move forward, you win with good players. You may go in to the meetings with a game plan thinking that X, Y and Z is the thing you need to do, but then, as it unfolds, I think you need to adjust.

"You realize, 'Maybe I can't go down this path to do this, but this helps me.' "griffeys 2012

Zduriencik lost out in bidding on free-agent pitcher Rich Harden at the winter meetings in Indianapolis a year ago. But then, during an airport conversation on the way home with Phillies general manager Ruben Amaro Jr., groundwork was laid that resulted in a deal for star pitcher Cliff Lee just a week griffeys

The Mariners plan to keep their on-field payroll at roughly the same amount as the $91 million spent on opening day last season (an additional $2.5 million was spent on players no longer with the team and Ackley's major-league contract). That's left the team little room to pursue higher-priced free agents and led to speculation Zduriencik will attempt a trade or two to reshape his lineup while continuing the rebuilding plan.

It was just two years ago, at the winter meetings in Las Vegas, that Zduriencik helped orchestrate a 12-player, three-team swap that landed Franklin Gutierrez and others in exchange for a package centered on closer J.J. Putz. Zduriencik could try to move his current closer, David Aardsma, because the pitcher stands to earn between $4 million and $5 million in arbitration for a rebuilding club not lacking in high-powered bullpen arms.

Seattle has been linked to trade rumors involving Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder Justin Upton, through the asking price for him is expected to include several of the young prospects the Mariners are looking to in their rebuild. There have been lesser rumors about the Mariners possibly dealing for Diamondbacks third baseman Mark Reynolds and then trying to trade Chone Figgins.griffey shoes

For now, Figgins — who played second base last season — appears to be the replacement for Lopez at third base. But at age 32, with a hitting skill-set that appears to duplicate leadoff man Ichiro, it's tough to see where Figgins — owed $27 million the next three years — truly fits on a team not expected to contend before 2012 or 2013 at the earliest.

The Mariners also need somebody to man second base if, as expected, Ackley does not make the team out of spring training. Other priorities include finding a capable catcher who can share time with Moore as he tries to prove he belongs in the major leagues.ken griffey jr shoes

Seattle also must find a way to jump-start an offense that scored only 513 runs, the worst total in the majors since the designated hitter came into effect in 1972. Areas that appear easiest to supply a boost in would include DH and left field — especially if the Mariners don't believe Milton Bradley and Saunders can handle those spots.

Zduriencik cautioned that, even with so many youngsters in the fold, he isn't handing out jobs just yet. Players young and experienced will have "an opportunity to compete for jobs" next spring, but he won't hesitate to make a move this coming week if it benefits the team.ken griffey shoes

That could include moves to bring in "veteran leadership" and to "fill some of the needs that we have" with older players if the right ones come along. Zduriencik noted that several of his younger players still have minor-league options and could be sent to Class AAA in the short term if they show they aren't

"I think you go in open-minded," he said. "And I think that's what our plan is, I'm very open-minded. I know what I'd like to accomplish. Whether we can, or cannot, remains to be seen. But I would be able to float in one direction or another if I felt it could help us in the long-term."

Arizona Diamondbacks give Justin Upton $51.25M deal | MLB

Justin Upton has lived with high expectations virtually since the day he picked up a baseball bat.

Now at 22, with two full major-league seasons already behind him, he says he welcomes the challenge of living up to the $51.25 million, six-year contract he signed Wednesday with the Arizona Diamondbacks, the second-largest deal in team history.

With his parents Manny and Yvonne looking on proudly at a news conference, the outfielder said he understands the responsibility that comes with this big a contract at such a young age.ken griffey jr shoes

"I do kind of put that pressure on myself," he said. "I want to be great, that's the thing. If you want to be great, then you set your goals higher."

Upton earned his first All-Star berth last season, when he hit .300 with 26 homers and 86 runs batted in.ken griffey shoes

His statistics are compared favorably with those of some of the game's greats at the same age. His OPS (on-base percentage plus slugging percentage) of .836 compares with the early numbers of Al Kaline, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, Ken Griffey Jr. and Alex Rodriguez.

"There's a lot to live up to," he said, "and I think I'm ready for that."ken griffey jr shoes sale

He gets a $1.25 million signing bonus, half on April 15 and the rest on July 15. He receives salaries of $500,000 this year, $4.25 million in 2011, $6.75 million in 2012, $9.75 million in 2013, $14.25 million in 2014 and $14.5 million in 2015.

"We view him as a core player, one of our key pieces," general manager Josh Byrnes said, "and as we view the next six years the kind of guy we want to build around."

The only bigger contract in Diamondbacks history was the $52.4 million, four-year deal Randy Johnson signed in ken griffey shoes

Upton has had the pressure of high expectations for years, following the path of his older brother B.J., who was the No. 2 overall draft pick in 2002. Justin was one better, chosen No. 1 by Arizona in the 2005 draft.

He played less than two years in the minors before being called up by the Diamondbacks in 2007.

Batting gloves protect hands

Omir Santos tried on his new batting gloves, said to slow the impact of a harmful fastball down to the mere annoyance of a junkball, and voiced excitement.

"I think it's going to help," the New York Mets catcher said. "It sounds like it's going to work."ken griffey shoes 2012

The latest high-tech protective product in a sport that's slow to accept innovation, the batting gloves are manufactured by the startup company XProTeX, which hired former All-Star Reggie Smith to go around spring training trying to persuade big-leaguers to switch.

Bob Watson, Major League Baseball's vice president of on-field operations, said his department already has given its approval, which is necessary for all on-field gear.griffeys

"We looked at the data. No, I didn't put it on and take a fastball," said Watson, a former All-Star himself. "Now, is this going to stop all major injuries? That I can't tell you, but according to the data, it should cut down on broken bones and severe injuries coming from pitched balls."


? The Chicago Cubs agreed to terms with Cuban defector Juan Yasser Serrano, 21, a right-handed pitcher.griffeys 2012

? Aaron Harang was selected by Reds manager Dusty Baker to be Cincinnati's opening-day starter for a team record tying fifth straight season.

? Houston All-Star first baseman Lance Berkman will sit out the Astros' spring-training opener against Washington because of a bruised left knee.

? Texas Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton probably won't return to the field until next week because of a bruised left griffeys

? Alex Rodriguez singled, Colin Curtis hit a game-ending, three-run homer and the New York Yankees beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 6-3 in Tampa, Fla. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner watched in the ballpark bearing his name as the World Series champs won their spring opener.

? Phillies top pitching prospect Phillippe Aumont allowed five runs in the third inning of Philadelphia's 13-6 victory against Florida State in Clearwater, Fla. Aumont is one of three prospects the Phillies received in an offseason trade that sent Cliff Lee to the Mariners.

? Tim Hudson pitched two sharp innings and rookie Jason Heyward doubled and scored as the Atlanta Braves beat the New York Mets 9-5 in Kissimmee, Fla.griffey shoes

? Jeremy Bonderman pitched two shutout innings after missing most of last season with circulatory problems in his right shoulder and Mike Rabelo hit a tiebreaking single in a three-run ninth to lead the Detroit Tigers over the Toronto Blue Jays 7-6 in Dunedin, Fla.

? Baltimore third baseman Miguel Tejada made an error in his debut at his new position and the Orioles defeated the Tampa Bay Rays 12-2 in Sarasota,

? Major League Baseball has settled a lawsuit it filed against a baseball card maker for allegedly stealing trademarks. The Upper Deck Co. has agreed to pay $2.4 million on sales of licensed cards in 2009.

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Juniper Networks, the industry leader in network innovation, announced that ASICS Australia, a leading sports footwear and performance apparel vendor, has deployed a highly-integrated security, routing and switching solution running the Junos operating system. This deployment enables ASICS to support continued business growth, improve operational efficiency and comply with ASICS global security requirements.

Due to its rapid growth in the local sportswear market, ASICS Australia recently relocated to a larger office in Eastern Creek, New South Wales, taking the opportunity to upgrade its network, with particular emphasis on security. Alphawest, a wholly owned subsidiary of Optus, provided ASICS with Juniper Networks SRX240 Services Gateways and EX2200 Ethernet Switches to create a cost-effective, secure and highly-reliable branch business network.

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"The Juniper SRX Series are well suited for companies like ASICS because they pull everything together in a very neat and manageable package while providing serious enterprise security, functionality and reliability," said Ian Smith, chief executive officer, Alphawest.asics tiger shoes

At ASICS Australia, Alphawest implemented Juniper Networks SRX240 Services Gateways in a high-availability cluster to deliver load-balanced performance and operational continuity. As well as handling switching, routing, firewalling with role-based remote access, the SRX240 Services Gateways also provide network-wide threat visibility and control.

"Distributed enterprises like ASICS depend on secure and reliable network infrastructures," said Mark Iles, vice president, Juniper Networks ANZ. "Our integrated switching, routing and security solution delivers sophisticated capabilities in an easy-to-use package, enabling organisations to flexibly address the needs of local and global network infrastructure and rapid business expansion, with reduced costs and improved value."asics tiger

ASICS Australia manages its new networking environment with Junos, Juniper Networks high-performance network and security operating system, and has invested in training its staff under the Juniper Networks Certification Program. "We wanted a network that required little maintenance and that's exactly what we got. We feel confident that having the staff trained by Juniper early on will alleviate any potential difficulties moving forward," said O' tiger shoes

Juniper Networks is in the business of network innovation. From devices to data centers, from consumers to cloud providers, Juniper Networks delivers the software, silicon and systems that transform the experience and economics of networking.

Ken Griffey Jr. caps three-run ninth as Mariners end losing streak

"This wasn't the first time the Mariners have seen a game end with Ken Griffey Jr. getting his bat on a ball.

But it was the first occasion in recent memory in which the Mariners began a winning rally because their manager flapped both his gums and arms with equal vehemence. History will note that manager Don Wakamatsu received his first major-league ejection an inning before his team rallied for three runs in the ninth for a stunning 4-3 win over the Toronto Blue Jays.

Wakamatsu getting tossed, on the day of his 100th career victory, seemed to ignite a Seattle lineup that had spent much of the previous eight frames looking poised to lose for the sixth consecutive

"In hindsight, it sparked us," said Mike Sweeney, who opened the ninth with a single off Toronto closer Kevin Gregg. "Wak is our captain, our leader. We told him after the game he was going to get a beer shower for getting tossed for the first time in his career."

A crowd of 20,452 at Safeco Field, which seemed to consist mostly of Blue Jays fans for the first eight innings, roared to life in the at-bats that followed. Jose Lopez added a single to right after Sweeney, followed by a huge walk to Milton Bradley with the count full that loaded the bases.

Casey Kotchman hit a ball grand-slam distance but pulled it several feet wide of the right-field foul pole. But he laid off some tough pitches and worked a walk that got the Mariners within a

Josh Bard then tied it with a sacrifice fly to left, and Griffey, pinch-hitting for Josh Wilson, roped a 2-1 pitch down the right-field line for the game-winning

It was an emotional moment for Griffey, batting just .183 when he came up and dogged by questions about whether he'll retire in-season. The Griffey saga has taken on a life of its own and dominated all talk surrounding a last-place team that had lost 15 of 18 coming in.

"We're probably not going to go through a two-week period like this again," Sweeney said. "Considering how hard it's been and yet we've stayed so close together."

The walkoff win was the first by the Mariners all season. They had 13 such victories last year."

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"Ken Griffey Jr. will get another chance to play here in Florida, where he makes his home. Griffey is back in the lineup at designated hitter today despite the fact the Mike Sweeney has hit home runs in three consecutive days as the starting DH.

"A couple of different thoughts,'' Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu said. "One is that it's important that Griff play at least one game here. The other thing is, with Sweeney playing three days in a row, night-day, then travel to Oakland, he might need a day off too. So, it gives Griff an opportunity to get back in there.''

Wakamatsu was going to watch Rob Johnson in the warm-ups today and see whether the team needed to make a move to put Adam Moore on the disabled list. Well, that's been done and now Moore is indeed going to the 15-day DL with Josh Bard called up."

The Tacoma Rainiers are playing in Memphis this weekend and it's a short flight from there to here, so Bard made it in plenty of time. But we'll see what happens at gametime as far as who is going to start. Wakamatsu said Moore is "pretty banged up'' but that his knee -- while very sore -- appears to be structurally souund.

Erik Bedard goes to the 60-day DL, but that doesn't impact his status at all as far as when he'd be able to return. It's just to give Bard the 40-man roster spot."

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