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Às 9 horas da manhã, do dia 30 de Abril de 2011, ocorreu no IFPB de João Pessoa, mais uma reunião do Grupo Articulador do Fórum de EJA da Paraíba. Estiveram presentes na Reunião as seguintes pessoas: Erenildo (UFPB/CE), Cidilene (SEDEC/JP), Luciana (SEDEC/JP), Socorro Diniz (SEE/GEEJA), Verônica Pessoa (UEPB) e Zoraida Arruda (IFPB / PROEJA). A pauta da reunião foi a seguinte: Informes, discussão dos processo de elaboração e aprovação da Minuta do Regimento do FÓRUM-PB, organização do XXXVII encontro do FÓRUM e encaminhamentos. Depois de pactuar os aspectos estruturantes da pauta de trabalho, passamos a socialização dos Informes: a) Erenildo – IFPB anuncia a defesa de Tese de Eduardo Jorge em 03.06.2011 na UFPE; Divulga que está no prelo a publicação intitulada “Por uma pedagogia crítica da Visualidade” que tem o Prof. Erenildo como organizador; Noticia o processo de credenciamento do PPGE, a partir do qual dois novos objetos de pesquisa poderão ser incorporados à Linha de pesquisa de Educação Popular, a saber, as ONG’s e a Corporeidade; b) Cidilene – SEDEC/JP relata sua participação e de Zoraida na audiência com o Reitor da UFPB que tratou da solicitação de um espaço físico para o Fórum de EJA/PB. Esclarece a necessidade de que o Fórum identifique e indique a existência deste espaço, facilitando, assim, o processo. Neste aspecto, Erenildo sugere que o Fórum faça uma solicitação formal a ser encaminhada à Coordenação do PPGE, pleiteando um espaço nas dependências do novo prédio da Pós-Graduação em Educação. Zoraida assumiu esta tarefa; Informa o chamado do Coletivo Nacional dos Fóruns de EJA para participação em uma reunião que ocorrerá nos dias 05 e 06 de maio do corrente. Esclarece sua impossibilidade de comparecer a este momento e, como Mara estará em Brasília nesta mesma semana, o Grupo faz contato com a mesma para assumir este espaço, indicando a possibilidade que o Fórum/PB assumir as despesas relativas à hospedagem e à permuta de passagem aérea. Mara aceitou o encaminhamento, ficando de averiguar a possibilidade desta adequação junto a SEC/PB; Faz menção ao documento que recebeu enquanto SEDEC/JP e do Fórum de EJA da Secretaria de Educação do Estado solicitando a indicação de nomes para compor a Comissão Estadual da Agenda Territorial. Esclarece que o documento foi respondido pela Secretária de Educação da PMJP e pelo Fórum de EJA, reafirmando os nomes já existentes e atuantes na Comissão, ou seja, pelo Fórum de EJA Maria Paula e como Gestor Municipal, Cidilene. Para melhor definir este ponto, acordamos em indicar o nome do professor Erenildo como suplente de Maria Paula na representação do Fórum de EJA. Devido à demanda de trabalhos e a urgência do horário, resolvemos discutir a pauta acordada para o dia e encaminhamos que os demais informes fossem veiculados por e-mail; C) Zoraida - IFPB (através de e-mail) – Divulga a realização do II Seminário de Formação e Pesquisa em Educação Física, Esportes & Lazer, que acontecerá nos dias 16 e 17 de Maio do corrente, no Departamento de Educação Física da UFPB-Campus I. O LEPEL/PB te por objetivo “promover um espaço de debates sobre Metodologia da Pesquisa em Educação Física, Teoria do Conhecimento materialismo histórico-dialético, Diretrizes Curriculares e Formação de Professores”. Faz saber, também, a realização da I Exposição Gastronômica e Cultural do PROEJA, que ocorrerá no dia 10 de maio a partir das 18h no Pátio do IFPB. O evento é uma realização da turma do 5° período do Curso Técnico em Eventos Integrado com o Ensino Médio na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, do IFPB Campus João Pessoa, sob a orientação do prof. Bruno Machado e apoio da Coordenação do PROEJA. Com o tema Uma viagem nos sabores e encantos do mundo, esta atividade visa expor a gastronomia, a cultura e os costumes de seis países escolhidos pela turma, através de pesquisas realizadas pelos mesmos, por exemplo, através da internet na disciplina de informática. Com relação ao processo de elaboração e aprovação da Minuta do Regimento Interno do Fórum, o Grupo fez uma rápida memória do caminho percorrido, indicando os aspetos em que precisamos avançar. Neste sentido, acatamos a proposta de Erenildo de construção coletiva, inclusive virtual, seguida de duas reuniões especificas do Grupo Articulador para, posteriormente, ampliar a discussão no XXXVII Encontro Estadual. Para viabilizar esta sugestão Zoraida e Verônica se comprometeram em organizar uma síntese do Documento existente para pautar as discussões duas próximas reuniões que acontecerão com este fim específico. A reunião primeira ficou marcada para o dia 14 de maio (sábado), às 9 horas nas dependências do IFPB. Em seguida tratamos da discussão da proposta de pauta e dos encaminhamentos necessários à realização do XXXVII Encontro Estadual, pactuando as seguintes questões: a) Objetivo: discutir e aprovar o Regimento Interno para o Fórum da EJA/PB, b) Data: 11 de junho (sábado), Horário: das 8h às 17h, local: A definir (Zoraida ficou a verificar o espaço do IFPB), Programação: 8h às 9h – credenciamento; 9h – abertura – Apresentação dos Objetivos do Encontro e da Síntese do Regimento Interno; 9h30 – Leitura e debate do Regimento Interno nas rodas de conversa; 12h30 – almoço; 14h – Plenária (retorno das discussões nos grupos) para deliberação do Regimento do Fórum da EJA/PB. Ficamos de retomar a discussão da Programação, partir da estrutura do Regimento Interno. Quantos as providências necessárias ao XXXVII Encontro, temos: A SEDEC/JP  ficará responsável pelos descartáveis, assim como folder, cartaz e faixa (Cidilene), almoço: fazer levantamento de orçamentos. (Verônica, Zoraida e demais membros do Grupo em condições de fazê-lo), Organização de um site para o XXXVII Encontro (Erenildo e Dafiana). Taxa de inscrição: R$ 15,00. Foram estes os elementos registrados, cujo relato está aberto para as complementações necessárias. Sem mais, 

João Pessoa, 01 de maio de 2011.

Verônica Pessoa da Silva




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And that's what we're looking at." Staging a Super Bowl abroad, however, "is not something that is under cheap jerseysactive consideration," Goodell said. The league is considering expanding the regular season to 17 or 18 games, with a possibility for every team to play one game abroad. Patriots owner Robert Kraft said if the Wholesale Jerseysleague wants more of the current franchises to travel internationally for games, the regular season should be extended so that teams can keep the same number of home games. The Bucs are giving up a home game this season. "I'm not sure our fans would appreciate us giving up a regular-season (home) game, and I know I wouldn't like to do that. But eventually I think there's a href="">Nike NFL Jerseysa chance of that if we expand the schedule," Kraft said. Kraft said placing an NFL team in London "would be the right thing to do some time in the next decade." Goodell said he would prefer a potential London-based team was a nfl jerseys salecompletely new franchise, rather than moving one from an existing market. "We would like to keep all our teams where they are," he said. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady didn't sound too enthusiastic about playing for a team based in Europe. "That would be challenging," nfl jerseys Brady said. "But I don't see that happening any time soon." The league is also eyeing having a team in Los Angeles again, especially after California Gov.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell expects the league to start playing multiple regular-season games cheap jerseysin Britain in the next few years - an expansion that could lead to putting a franchise in London. Goodell said Friday that "every indicator" shows the British market can support more games and that having a franchise here is of nike nfl jerseys"tremendous interest" to the league. But he stopped short of giving a timeline for expanding the NFL's overseas presence. "The interest and the enthusiasm for our game continues to grow, and we want to feed that," Goodell said. "We want to respond to that by hopefully bringing more to the UK." cheap nfl jerseysGoodell spoke at a sports conference Friday ahead of Sunday's game between the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Wembley Stadium. It's the third year in a row the NFL is staging a nfl jerseys saleregular-season game in London, and the league is now looking into playing at least two games a year in Britain, he said. Aside from London, Manchester and Glasgow, Scotland, are being looked at as potential venues. "I expect that sometime in the next couple of years, we could be playing multiple games here,"nfl jerseys Goodell said. "If we brought more than one game here, and it continues to have the same kind of enthusiasm and growth of interest, I think that is about as good of an indicator you can get that it could successfully support a franchise.

cheap jerseys New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez is hoping to get back on the right track after a five-interception debacle in last Sunday’s 16-13 overtime loss to the Buffalo Bills. But it appears that Sanchez will have to right his ship without one of his primary targets. A few days after saying that wide receiver nike nfl jerseysJerricho Cotchery had a "real chance" of returning from a hamstring injury this week, head coach Rex Ryan revealed on Friday that the Jets’ No. 2 target will be sidelined for the second straight game. "I was hoping Jerricho would be able to do it," Ryan told The Associated Press of the wideout nfl jerseys cheapplaying in Oakland on Sunday. "We're going to make that trip all the way out there, and we feel it's best if he stays back and rehabs. That's what we're going to do and hopefully get him back at 100 percent for new york jets jerseys next week." Ryan also noted that backup receiver Brad Smith will miss Sunday’s game against the Raiders in Oakland. That means the focus in Gang Green’s passing attack this week will be on Braylon Edwards and tight end Dustin Keller.houston texans jerseys But things might not be quite as simple as that.

There are no guarantees in the NFL. Well, except for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Folks, if you thought an cheap jerseysuninterested Tennessee Titans team in the Foxborough snow storm was brutal, just wait till you and 80,000 of your British friends get a glimpse of Tampa Bay. These aren’t Jon Gruden’s Bucs. Hell, I’m not sure they’cheap nfl jerseysre even Jeff Garcia’s Bucs. In fact, taking a closer look at their 0-6 start, they might not even be Vinny Testeverde’s Bucs. They may be worse. Seriously. When a journeyman wide receiver like Antonio Bryant is complaining about his role (or perceived lack thereof) in the offense, you know you’re not exactly headed for big things. Somewhere, deposed offensive coordinator Jeff Jagodzinski has to be thinking getting canned was the better option. After a 9-3 start last year, Tampa Bay has now lost 10 straight games. They purged their aging roster and are now paying for it. wholesale jerseysAt quarterback, Byron Leftwich has given way to Josh Johnson. Toss a coin to determine who’s been worse. It’s high time to find out what they’ve got in rookie Josh Freeman, other than a loud-mouthed first round draft pick who’chicago bears jerseyss not against hyping himself. First year head coach Raheem Morris didn’t exactly sound encouraging this week when asked to handicap this matchup with the Patriots. “You're going to play a team that just scored 59 points," Morris glumly pointed out. dallas cowboys jerseys "Bill Belichick is not going to take it easy on us," Morris added. "He just played an 0-and-whatever team, and the score was 59-0. Now he's going to play another one.

It made no jerseys The makeshift offensive line again failed to protect Campbell or create room for Clinton Portis, who rushed for only nfl jerseys cheap 43 yards and at one point chucked his helmet on the sideline in frustration. Campbell finished 29 for 43 for 284 yards and two touchdowns for the Redskins, who have yet to score more than 17 points in a game this season. cheap nfl jerseysCampbell threw his seventh interception of the season, one more than he had all last season. Washington trailed 27-10 at halftime, and Campbell's consolation touchdown pass to Fred Davis in the final two minutes was San Francisco 49ers Jerseysthe only scoring in the second half. Jackson scored his first touchdown on the fourth play from scrimmage, scampering down the left sideline untouched almost all the way thanks in part to downfield blocking from Jeremy Maclin. It was the longest Philadelphia run of the season by far -- the team's previous best was 25 yards. Jackson got new york giants jerseys his second score when he put on a double move on Carlos Rogers and got wide open down the left side, turning a third-and-22 at the Philadelphia 43 into six points in the final two minutes of the first half.

LANDOVER, Md. cheap jerseys -- Sherm Lewis might want to go back to bingo. Or, better yet, he might want to apply for a job as the Philadelphia Eagles' play caller -- it's a much easier job with someone such as DeSean Jackson on your side. Jackson scored on a 67-yard reverse and caught a 57-yard touchdown pass in the first half, nike nfl jerseysand the Eagles converted three turnovers into points Monday night in a 27-17 win over the Washington Redskins. Nearly all the scoring came in the first half of an injury-filled game -- Philadelphia's cheap nfl jerseysBrian Westbrook (concussion) and Washington's Chris Cooley (right ankle) left early and didn't return. The win got the Eagles green bay packers jerseys (4-2) back to form after last week's jarring loss to the Oakland Raiders. Donovan McNabb completed 15 of 25 passes for 156 yards, getting his 200th touchdown pass and surpassing 30,000 yards passing for his career. The defense sacked new orleans saints jerseysJason Campbell six times, and newcomer Will Witherspoon ran back an interception for a touchdown and created another turnover even though he's been with the team for only a week.

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