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Conferência Regional da América Latina e do Caribe preparatória à VI CONFINTEA

Conferência Regional da América Latina e do Caribe sobre Alfabetização e
Preparatória para a CONFINTEA VI
“Da alfabetização à aprendizagem ao longo da vida:
desafios do século XXI”
Cidade do México (México), 10-13 de setembro de 2008

Documento Final:

Proposta da América Latina e do Caribe


Da alfabetização à aprendizagem ao longo da vida é o grande desafio ao qual nos convoca esta Conferência Regional.

Em outras palavras, o desafio de passar de uma alfabetização inicial – que é como continua a ser entendida a alfabetização de pessoas jovens e adultas em muitos países da região – a uma visão e uma oferta educativa ampla que inclua o ensino, ao mesmo tempo em que reconheça e valide as aprendizagens realizadas pelas pessoas, não somente na idade adulta, mas ao longo da vida [1]: na família, na comunidade, no trabalho, pelos meios de comunicação de massa, na participação social, no exercício da própria cidadania.

A educação é um direito fundamental, uma chave que permite o acesso aos direitos humanos básicos, tais como saúde, habitação, trabalho e participação, entre outros, possibilitando assim o cumprimento das agendas globais [2], regionais e locais de desenvolvimento.

Isto implica em reconhecer que estamos diante de um paradigma que concebe o ser humano como sujeito da educação, portador de saberes singulares e fundamentais, criador de cultura, protagonista da história, capaz de produzir as mudanças urgentes e necessárias para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa.

Concepção que contempla não somente a educação formal, mas que incorpora e valoriza a educação não-formal e popular, e supera a visão individualista da aprendizagem, ao propor uma construção social do conhecimento em comunidades de aprendizagem que propiciem o encontro intercultural, intergeracional e intersetorial e a proteção do meio ambiente.

Nessa perspectiva, a alfabetização é um ponto de partida necessário, mas não suficiente, para que cada sujeito do século XXI possa continuar e complementar suas aprendizagens ao longo da vida e exercer os seus direitos de cidadão.


A América Latina e o Caribe constituem uma região com grandes especificidades e enormemente heterogênea, formada por 41 países e territórios, onde são faladas cerca de 600 línguas, com realidades muito diferentes em todos os sentidos, incluindo o educativo e especificamente o de educação de pessoas jovens e adultas (EPJA). Essa diversidade entre países e dentro de cada país exige cautela quanto às generalizações e um grande esforço de diversificação, elaboração e melhoramento de políticas e programas, adequando-os a contextos e grupos específicos, considerando entre outras diferenças, idade, gênero, raça, região, língua, cultura e pessoas com necessidades educativas especiais.

Esta é também a região mais desigual do mundo com 71 milhões de pessoas vivendo na indigência e cerca de 200 milhões de pobres. Exclusão educativa e exclusão política, econômica e social são todas faces da mesma moeda. A EPJA situa-se exatamente nessa problemática, entendendo que a educação é uma ferramenta fundamental para lutar contra a pobreza e a exclusão social, mas considerando também a impossibilidade de resolver tal problemática exclusivamente do campo educativo, na ausência de mudanças estruturais e sem a convergência de outras políticas.

Os diversos contextos socioeconômicos, étnicos e culturais da região estabelecem cada vez mais obstáculos à alfabetização e outras formas de aprendizagens entre as pessoas jovens e adultas. Entre esses fatores figuram o desemprego, a exclusão social, as migrações, a violência, as disparidades entre homens e mulheres, todos esses vinculados, em grande parte à pobreza estrutural. Esta situação tem sido agravada, nos últimos tempos, pela crise alimentar, pela crise energética e pelas mudanças climáticas.


Nos últimos anos, a EPJA ganhou impulso renovado na região, após um período de recesso nos anos 90, tanto por parte dos governos como dos organismos internacionais. Na maioria dos países ocorreram avanços significativos no plano legal e das políticas, em termos do reconhecimento do direito à educação, à diversidade lingüística e cultural destas nações. Em particular, têm-se retomado as agendas nacionais e internacionais, os planos, programas e campanhas de alfabetização. Foram institucionalizadas, deste modo, ofertas para completar e certificar os estudos de educação primária e secundária para as pessoas jovens e adultas, em alguns casos, vinculados a programas de capacitação e formação para o trabalho.

A oferta educativa não-formal ampliou-se consideravelmente, abrangendo tópicos muito diversos, vinculados a direitos, cidadania, saúde, violência intrafamiliar, HIV/Aids, proteção do meio ambiente, desenvolvimento local, economia social e solidária etc. Em alguns países houve avanços na eqüidade de gênero. Também começou a ter visibilidade a atenção a grupos especiais, como imigrantes e pessoas privadas de liberdade. Os meios audiovisuais e o uso das TICs penetraram no campo da EPJA, em alguns casos a partir de investimentos e intervenções governamentais e de cooperação internacional.

Em alguns poucos países, a EPJA obteve avanços importantes em termos de construção de sistemas de informação, documentação, monitoramento e avaliação dos programas. Também houve, nos últimos anos, estímulo à pesquisa tanto nacional como regional. A cooperação Sul-Sul iniciou-se em muitos desses contextos, com iniciativas regionais e sub-regionais de diversas naturezas.


Não obstante, cada um dos avanços apresenta ao mesmo tempo, novos e velhos desafios. Continua sendo grande a distância entre o previsto nas leis e políticas e o efetivamente realizado, colocando-se a necessidade de uma construção mais participativa das políticas e de sua vigilância social por parte da cidadania, em geral, e por parte, especificamente, dos sujeitos da EPJA.

A cobertura dos programas governamentais e não-governamentais continua sendo, em geral, limitada para as necessidades e a demanda efetiva, e continua marginalizando as populações rurais, indígenas e afrodescendentes [3], migrantes, pessoas com necessidades educativas especiais e pessoas privadas de liberdade mantendo ou aumentando a exclusão, em vez de reduzi-la.

A estratégia de integrar pessoas jovens e adultas em uma mesma categoria, não pode deixar perder de vista a especificidade e os desafios de cada grupo etário, considerando que os jovens são um grupo majoritário na região. Entretanto, a oferta educativa para certos segmentos por idade vem sendo priorizada, de maneira geral até os 35 ou 40 anos, deixando de fora a população de mais idade e negando, assim, seu direito à educação, e contrariando a própria adoção do paradigma da aprendizagem ao longo da vida.

A diversificação e descentralização da oferta educativa requerem coordenação e articulação entre os diferentes atores: governos nacionais e locais, sociedade civil, sindicatos, igrejas, empresa privada, organismos internacionais, entre outros.

A igualdade de gênero em vários países surge como uma necessidade, que afeta particularmente as mulheres de populações indígenas e os meninos e homens do Caribe anglófono, desde a educação inicial até a universitária, e também para o campo da EPJA, exigindo políticas e estratégias de ação positiva.

Falta aproveitar melhor, com maior sensibilidade e com espírito comunitário, as novas tecnologias para fins educativos, e aprender lições práticas provenientes das experiências dos países que têm desenvolvido iniciativas pioneiras neste terreno. Também é preciso avançar em termos de monitoramento e avaliação, especialmente na avaliação das aprendizagens, assim como divulgar mais e aproveitar melhor os resultados de pesquisa já existentes, tanto para alimentar a política como para melhorar a prática.

Permanecem como problemas pendentes, entre outros: o sub-financiamento crônico da educação de pessoas jovens e adultas, sua grande vulnerabilidade em termos de participação, institucionalização e continuidade de políticas e programas.

Também, é preciso prestar especial atenção à formação de educadores e educadoras, à pesquisa para a EPJA, em um marco pedagógico-didático que permita atender os contextos e a especificidade da área, apoiando-se para isso nas universidades.

Do ponto de vista de sua coerência com a eqüidade, é necessário reverter as tendências atuais, dando prioridade e atenção com qualidade e pertinência às áreas, aos setores e grupos em desvantagem, como são nesta região as populações rurais, migrantes, indígenas, afrodescendentes e pessoas privadas de liberdade e com necessidades educativas especiais.


Reconhecer que a realização plena do direito humano à educação de pessoas jovens e adultas está condicionada à implementação de políticas de superação das profundas desigualdades econômicas e sociais dos países e da região, torna-se imperativo em matéria de:


1. Reconhecer a EPJA como um direito humano e cidadão que implica maior compromisso e vontade política dos governos nacionais e locais, na criação e fortalecimento de ofertas de aprendizagens de qualidade ao longo da vida, assegurando que a EPJA desenvolva políticas orientadas para o reconhecimento dos direitos à diversidade cultural, lingüística, racial, étnica, de gênero, e inclua programas que se articulem com a formação para o trabalho digno, a cidadania ativa (DDHH) e a paz, de maneira a fortalecer e promover o empoderamento das comunidades.
2. Promover políticas e legislação que integrem a EPJA nos sistemas de educação pública e garantir sua aplicação, estimulando mudanças nas estruturas que as tornem mais flexíveis, promovam a adequação das normas com as metas e desafios, com a criação de observatórios cidadãos de acompanhamento das políticas e uso dos recursos.
3. Construir mecanismos de coordenação em nível nacional, que ajudem a estabelecer uma política integral para promover um trabalho intersetorial e interinstitucional, que articule as ações do Estado com a sociedade civil (movimentos sociais organizados, igrejas, sindicatos, empresários, entre outros), e possibilite uma abordagem holística, assim como o acompanhamento e o controle social.
4. Continuar buscando enfoques que fortaleçam e garantam a aprendizagem ao longo da vida, que incluam a alfabetização e a educação básica; o fomento à leitura e à cultura escrita para a criação de ambientes letrados, como diferentes ferramentas para a superação da desigualdade e da pobreza na região, e de construção de alternativas de desenvolvimento. Nesse sentido, a valorização da educação popular e não-formal é fundamental.
5. Elaborar políticas de formação inicial e continuada de educadores de pessoas jovens e adultas, com a participação das universidades, dos sistemas de ensino e dos movimentos sociais, para elevar a qualidade dos processos educativos e assegurar o melhoramento das condições laborais e profissionais dos educadores e funcionários.


6. Recomendar percentuais mais significativos para os orçamentos nacionais de educação – pelo menos 6% do PIB – e assegurar nos mesmos recursos específicos para a EPJA – pelo menos 3% do orçamento educativo – que permitam ser executados com transparência, eficácia e eficiência.
7. Assegurar recursos intersetoriais – nacionais e internacionais de origem pública e privada – para planos, programas e projetos da EPJA, com perspectiva de gênero e reconhecimento da diversidade, que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de políticas de ação positiva e o financiamento de estudos que demonstrem o custo social e econômico de manter amplos setores da população com baixos níveis educativos.


8. Desenvolver políticas de pesquisa e sistematização de experiências educativas, promover a divulgação do conhecimento, de documentação e circulação das práticas relevantes da EPJA. Fortalecer as redes latino-americanas e caribenhas de pesquisa em EPJA.
9. Desenvolver um sistema de avaliação, informação, registro e monitoramento com parâmetros internacionais, que possibilitem a formulação de políticas a partir da avaliação dos processos, sistemas e métodos, que assegurem a certificação, validação e homologação dos conhecimentos e habilidades.
10. Promover de forma intersetorial e interinstitucional o desenho e a elaboração de material escrito na língua materna que reflita a diversidade cultural dos povos.


11. Desenhar e implementar políticas educativas que favoreçam a inclusão, com eqüidade de gênero e qualidade que contemplem, com enfoque intercultural, as diferentes especificidades de todos os grupos populacionais dos países da região: indígenas, afrodescendentes, migrantes, populações rurais, pessoas privadas de liberdade e pessoas com necessidades educativas especiais.


12. Fomentar maior participação, em especial dos sujeitos da EPJA, e cooperação entre a sociedade civil, os setores privados e os diferentes órgãos do Estado, mediante a promoção e fortalecimento da modalidade da cooperação horizontal entre os países, e reforçar a cooperação internacional a favor da EPJA.
13. Propor que a UNESCO assuma papel relevante e central para a garantia do direito à educação e, em particular, coordenar as metas estabelecidas nas conferências internacionais e monitorar seus resultados.



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Airport hosts baseball buff's

Airport hosts baseball buff's trove of mementos

Way back in the early 1960s, if little Charles Kapner got separated from his mother at the grocery store, she knew exactly where to look.

"Post cereals and Jell-O had baseball cards printed on the back of the boxes," recalls Kapner, who grew up in Seattle's Broadview neighborhood, "so I'd be looking at every box to decide which one I wanted most."

A lot has changed since then, but not Kapner's fascination with baseball — its paraphernalia, its history and its endless supply of facts and figures.griffeys

"My background is in accounting, and baseball is a game that's full of numbers, so it's a good fit," said Kapner, 56, a private-school business manager who now lives on the Eastside.

An assortment of Kapner's most interesting pieces — selected from the thousands he now owns — is on display at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport at least until the end of baseball season. To find it, go as far south as possible on the airport ticketing level, pass under a "no gate access" sign, take a right past the restrooms, and look for the display facing a Hudson News kiosk.

Don't expect mementos of Ichiro or Ken Griffey Jr. — this is all pre-Mariners stuff.griffeys 2012

Kapner focuses on items from bygone days partly because they are harder to come by and partly because they hearken back to his own childhood. He still has the Seattle Rainiers Rico Petrocelli card that came in the box of popcorn he got at his first Rainiers game, when he was 8.

The airport exhibit includes the last home plate from Sicks' Seattle Stadium, which closed in 1976. There are jerseys from a 1969 Seattle Pilots father-son game. Even the last driver's license of broadcaster Leo Lassen, the radio voice of the Seattle Indians and Rainiers for three decades, ending in 1960.

A tall trophy marks Rainier third-basemen Dick Gyselman's 1954 induction into the team's Roll of Honor, lent to Kapner by Gyselman's griffeys

The oldest item on hand dates back a century, a black-and-white team photo of the 1912 Seattle Giants, showing 16 players with arms folded in identical fashion, flanking the team's grim-faced and supersize owner, Daniel Dugdale, in a dark suit, bow tie and fedora.

Kapner got the print from Carson Van Lindt, author of the 1993 book, "The Seattle Pilots Story."

A score book used at a Pilots game by broadcaster Bill Schonely is also included in Kapner's airport display.griffey shoes

The Pilots, as longtime Seattle sports fans will never forget, played in Seattle just a single season, 1969, before heading east to become the Milwaukee Brewers.

"I was devastated when they left," said Kapner. He wasn't alone. The team's abrupt departure triggered a lawsuit by Seattle, King County and the state of Washington against the American League, and led to the creation of the Mariners in 1977.

For Kapner, the joy of building his collection hasn't come from the items themselves but from the people it has put him in touch with — ballplayers and their relatives, other collectors, sports writers and many others with ties to the game.

That includes Marlene Houtchens, of Redmond, who baby-sat the children of several Rainiers players when she was a Franklin High School student in the 1950s.ken griffey shoes

Kapner contacted Houtchens after she was quoted in a 1994 Seattle Times article compiling people's memories of the Rainiers, and she has since become a family friend.

"He's a very fine young man with a real appreciation for Seattle baseball teams," said Houtchens, 75, "and I was blown away by his collection." To that collection, she has added a Rainiers jersey and other items.

Kapner had what he calls a pinch-me moment in 2010, when he was invited to sit on a panel discussion with three former major-leaguers who had all played for the Seattle Pilots: Jim Bouton, Greg Goossen and Tommy Davis.

Held in Burbank, Calif., the event was organized by the Baseball Reliquary, an organization of baseball history buffs. It marked the 40th anniversary of the publication of Bouton's frank and controversial diary, "Ball Four."

Kapner's own baseball past includes playing Little League and coaching a team his teenage stepson played on.ken griffey jr shoes

Several times a year, he displays parts of his collection. He has shown them at events and venues in Washington, California and Arizona. He approached Sea-Tac about setting up the airport display.

"It's a way of sharing my passion," he said. "Maybe somewhere out there there's a kid and this ignites a passion in him."

The Fug Girls: Thomas Jane Crashed the Hervé Léger Runway While Models Were on It

There’s so much we don’t understand about what happened in the front row at Hervé Léger on Tuesday. Our initial confusion stemmed from why the noted shoe-averse actor Thomas Jane was in attendance at a show focusing exclusively on bandage dresses better suited to the starlets who sandwiched him. Then, we wondered how Jane, so often barefoot on public pavement and red carpets alike, had been coerced into wearing shoes — and, thus, to whom we should address the thank-you note. Next, we scratched our heads over the identity of the familiar-looking blonde by his side (she proved to be Kaitlin Doubleday, a not-at-all famous actor). But the real puzzler came as the clock hit 2:38 p.m. — a common actual start time for 2 p.m. shows — when the press finally dispersed and retreated to its corners, security guys finally began uncovering the runway, and Jane finally ? leapt up and strolled nonchalantly backstage. “Wait, he LEFT? What is HAPPENING?” we hissed to each other as we tweeted like the wind. What was the matter?

Shoes too tight? Bladder too full? Had someone only just told him that Herve doesn’t make bandage man-pants? We weren’t the only ones puzzled; a behatted PR girl scooted over to his seat, paled, appeared to whisper, “Where did he go?” at Kaitlin and her seatmate, True Blood’s Janina Gavankar, and then made an amused “WTF” face as the lights went down and she hurriedly filled his seat. Yes, they started without him. As the girls in the front row choked back giggles, we settled in to watch the show, assuming that it would just be a one-act comedy.herve leger

But no. That was just the intermission. After several models had come out and the show was in full swing,herve leger sale we heard an angry roar and some whistles rising up from the photo pit. We looked up and noticed that Jane was "sneaking" down the stairs in our section, "surreptitiously" stepping onto the runway (!) and then scuttling back to his seat in the middle of the front row, parking himself on the lap of the seat filler until she could escape. No, you did not just huff some hallucinogens: He CAME BACK INTO THE SHOW. VIA THE RUNWAY. WHILE MODELS WERE ON IT. Apologies for the caps lock, but IT IS NECESSARY.Herve Leger UK Sale If this is what the warm feel of shoe leather on his instep does to Jane's decision-making, then we invite him to remain shoeless for all eternity. Wait, never mind — this was so entertaining that we are eager to see what madness he stumbles into next. God willing, it will involv

e sitting on Anna Wintour’s lap next time.

The thing is, the front row was actually very well-stocked; although, after Jane Err we couldn’t remember any of them until we looked at our notes.herve leger dress The towering Aisha Tyler was as pleasant as ever, noting that she only takes about an hour to get ready for events “because I’m trying to lead a real life.” She sat next to Taraji P. Henson, who in turn was beside boobalicious blonde Ashlee Simpson (are those new, or was her bra just that good?). The Leger show also brought our first Jessica Szohr sighting — and we were just talking about her, too; maybe we our acid tongues really can conjure people, in which case, we better see Jon Hamm modeling for The Blondes later this week — as well as Katie Cassidy, French actress Roxane Mesquida (whose red dress was so short she was obsessively smashing her clutch over her crotch to block the view), Selita Ebanks, and, randomly, former ER actress and current-and-forever knockout Michael Michele. Oh, and some

blonde country singer (seriously, at this point we’re so weary of herve leger dresses

having to find things to say about LeAnn Rimes, we find ourselves wishing it were Shonda Rhimes. Or better, Busta. Make that happen, Fashion Week gods).herve leger dress sale

But even after the show, all the talk was about The Thomas Frown Affair (We’re sorry. We couldn't resist). On our way out, we passed Gavankar and Doubleday as they met up with their handler and waited for Jane. “What was that?” the handler asked, bemused.Herve Leger UK “Only the best thing that’s ever happened in the history of Fashion Week,” Gavankar exclaimed. Well, it might be tied with that time 50 Cent punched some guy in the face for stealing his seat at Baby Phat; but, unlike that incident, we hope that this one, much like The Love Boat, gets another run.

Herve Leger: From Shoulder to Hips

Herve Leger’s Max Azria gifted Godiva chocolates to his front row Valentines. There were young TV starlets like Gossip Girl’s Jessica Szohr in a sexy black number, seated next to a coiffed Sophia Bush in a short, sparkly Leger cocktail dress.Herve Leger UK Online The photogs went crazy for Tinsley, who flipped her blond locks and posed in a flattering bright red Leger frock.

MisShapes’ Leigh Lazark was in the front too (though I kinda wish she was in the DJ booth instead to fire up a bland soundtrack). Leigh’s friend tiny Tavi was apparently in attendance too, but since she came sans-turban this time I missed her.Herve Leger Dress UK

When the lights went up, it was clear that body-con is anything but gone. The models stomped out like sullen robot soldiers, sporting low ponies and cherry pouts that Suri Cruise would have adored.Herve Leger outlet

Last season’s prominent Leger shoulder gave way this time to volume packed onto the hips: layers of ruffles were a fixture on many of the dresses, giving the strapless looks in particular a nice silhouette. The color scheme was largely anochromatic–lots of nude, charcoal gray, black and ivory, save for the final few looks which were perked up with bright neon accents.Herve Leger 2012

Like basically everyone else this season, Azria used velvet (sorry, Britt!!) and lace as a way to update his collection, which unsurprisingly, was comprised mostly of his iconic bandage dresses. Just to prove that he’s not totally one-note, though, Azria added a couple of bandage pants. Think equestrian meets Spanx.Cheap Herve Leger

A black bandage and metallic knit asymmetrical dress that was smack dab in the middle of the collection immediately reminded me of a Balmain dress from Fall ’08, but I *almost* liked it better thanks to a long sleeve. Necks craned for a futuristic black and neon pink enamel-beaded bandage dress.

How to look good whatever your age and size with Gok Wan's style tips

He’s the man who has made women fall in love with their bodies using tricks, styling techniques and fabulous tailoring.

Here TV’s favourite stylist Gok Wan exclusively reveals how to make the most of your shape, whatever your age and size..

What are your style solutions for women of different ages and sizes?Herve Leger Skirts

There’s only one solution for everyone, which is the fact that you all have the same issues regardless of your age.

How you feel in your 20s is no different to how you feel in your 50s.

All the considerations that come into how you feel about yourself – your body, clothing and overall image – are exactly the same as they were when you were younger but it just means that your body has changed slightly.

You need to get to know it and form a relationship with it.herve leger dresses On Sale

What’s the secret to looking good in your 60s?

Confidence! Being in love, whether that’s with yourself or someone else.

When Meryl Streep thanked her husband at the Oscars and kissed him before she went on stage to collect her gong, that was the best fashion moment of my entire life – no one looked for a second at her dress.

They looked at how she felt – and that is what clothing is all about. It needs to be the second opinion.Herve Leger Bandage Dress

There is a -wonderful phrase: I want to grow old -gracefully. -Having confidence gives you gracefulness.

Do you think there are any age style rules?

No! And I think women who get dictated to in their 60s and 70s that they can’t go into Topshop and buy a top or a jacket drives me nuts.Herve Leger Swimwear

It’s all about identity and dressing for you and who you are. There’s nothing greater than seeing a fabulous granny in the street dolled up to the nines and wearing a little hat and working a gorgeous handbag and looking sensational.

But attitudes are changing. More women are saying, “I’m celebrating who I am and my uniqueness”.

A mini skirt over 40 is fine – none of us has the right to tell someone they can’t wear one .Bandage Dress

To me it’s as bad as someone turning around and saying to someone, “You don’t have the same rights as me because of the colour of your skin”.

It’s a dictatorship.

What basics should every woman have in her wardrobe?

Some really good tailoring. An LBD. A pair of good-fitting trousers depending on your body shape and the shape of the trousers; a good pair of jeans – that’s an essential and we all need one.

A good fitted white shirt and a blazer of some description – either in navy or black depending on your skin tone or hair colour.Herve Leger Black Bandage Dresses

What advice would you give to women stuck in an age style rut?

See where you’ve come from and see what you’ve achieved. One of the great things about growing older, I believe, is that I can experience styles which I knew the first time around.

I know what it’s like to do 80s funk, I know what it’s like to do all that 90s grunge Marc Jacobs.

So when that trend comes around, I’ve got a head start. If you’re in your 50s or 60s and you -remember the 70s, then you know that fashion era. Go out and enjoy it again. Don’t change your signature style.Herve Leger Blue Bandage Dresses

Which older women have great style?

Diane Keaton is an incredible dresser – her whole preppy thing works so well – and Helen Mirren always looks phenomenal – so confident and her hourglass -silhouette is very sexy.

These actresses dress for their body shape. I also love Judi Dench. She wears an incredibly different uniform to the other two. She’s not -flamboyant or outrageous with her -silhouette but she’s just as beautiful.

Meryl Streep looked wonderful at the Oscars and Anna Wintour is an incredible dresser – and she’s not in her 20s!

What style tips can you offer so a woman avoids looking like mutton dressed as lamb?

Mutton dressed as lamb, midlife crisis – women are under enough pressure as it is. Let’s take all the pressure out of it.Herve Leger Colorblock Dresses

For most women who have brought up the kids and worked hard all their lives, they finally get to an age where they can feel socially, financially and probably emotionally confident and independent again and then they’re told they’re not -allowed to look like this, that they have to dress a certain way and have all their hair cut off. There are no rules.

I say go out there and start celebrating your life and enjoy being a woman.

We know women can’t buy style, but how can women learn style?

My dressing mantra is: Whatever you’re putting on your body, understand why you’re doing it. Whether it’s track pants and a T-shirt, whether it’s a hoodie or the tightest fitting Herve Leger dress.

It doesn’t matter, just understand why you’re wearing those clothes and don’t ever feel you’re being dictated to.Herve Leger Gold Bandage Dresses

My mum doesn’t dress up. She lives her life in jumpers and jeans and she’s the most beautiful person in the entire world and that’s what it is all about.

After many years of styling celebs and real women, what are your golden style rules?

Every single woman I’ve ever dressed has turned around to me and said, “I hate my shoulders or I hate my feet or my waist”.Herve Leger Green Bandage Dresses

Every single person feels the same way – male or female, celeb or nonceleb. I haven’t met a celebrity in my life who doesn’t dislike a body part. Ever. A woman’s best accessory is a dazzling smile.

Where do you find great high street clothes?

I love Zara for the tailoring, I love Topshop for innovation and Aldo does a great shoe.Herve Leger Grey Bandage Dresses

We have the best, healthiest and most diverse high street in the entire world.

The jacket in my Sainsbury’s TU -collection would be considered below high street but it’s beautifully made, really good material and fits well.

Some high street brands have bought cheap and stacked high and it’s given the high street a bad name.Herve Leger Ombre Dresses

But essentially, if you go round the shops, there is good stuff.

The snobbery of buying -expensive clothes has shifted – if something looks good, there is far more confidence for the woman to turn around and say, “Actually, it cost me £40 and look how amazing it is!” rather than, “It cost me £2,000” – -gratuitous and ugly, -especially with the economic crisis.

Who’s getting it right for plus size?Herve Leger Orange Bandage Dresses

Obviously my TU range at Sainsbury’s! Zara does a great extra large section and Evans is great too.

Plus size is -going to be tricky – there is less of a market out there.Herve Leger Pink Bandage Dresses

Which stores are good for older women?

All of them. There should be no exclusivity between -anyone who wants to buy clothes.

It’s got to be about personal style and your stamp. Don’t feel you need to go to nana shops and buy your winceyette nightie, your two-piece or tweed skirt if you don’t want to.

But if you do, absolutely fine!Herve Leger Purple Bandage Dresses

Any tips to make cheap clothes look posh?

My top tip is to have quality material if you can get it at a price you can afford. Look for any kind of detailing – the cut is really important.Herve Leger Red Bandage Dresses

And a money-saving tip is to find a good seamstress, someone local who can shape your clothes to your silhouette, to fit like a glove.

How important is underwear?Herve Leger White Bandage Dresses

Really important. -Foundation is the key -to an outfit as it smoothes -everything down. You wouldn’t build a house on soggy

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