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Registro da Reunião do Grupo Articulador do Fórum da EJA/PB - 07/07/2011

Dia 07 de junho de 2011.  Local: Sala 12 do IFPB

Início às 16h e término às 17h30

João Pessoa/PB

Presentes: Cidilene César, Kézia Cortez, Luciana Barbosa, Maria Paula, Raquel Sabino,  Regina Delfino, Salete Van der Poel e Zoraida Arruda

Ausências justificadas: Erenildo, Mara, Kézia, Socorro e Verônica.

Esta reunião teve como objetivo tratar sobre os encaminhamentos finais pertinentes a realização do XXXVII Encontro Estadual do Fórum da EJA/PB, que acontecerá no próximo sábado (11) das 8h às 17h no IFPB. Primeiramente fez um levantamento geral daquilo que já havia sido confirmado e em seguida listou-se o que ainda precisaria ser feito. Em síntese temos:

1) Abertura e Plenária Final: Auditório II do IFPB com capacidade para 120 pessoas. Rodas de Conversa: temos 15 salas de aulas disponíveis,  numeradas de 13 a 27. As mesmas ficam no 1° andar, em um só corredor.

2) Mesa de abertura: Cidilene, que fará a saudação aos presentes e abertura oficial do Encontro; Avenzoar Arruda, Diretor do IFPB – Campus Cabedelo, Avenzoar Arruda, que fará uma breve exposição sobre Regimento, ressaltando sobre sua importância para o Fórum da EJA/PB. Caso haja algum imprevisto em sua presença, esta fala será feita pela Salete Van der Poel. Em seguida a este momento será feita uma apresentação por Zoraida, também de forma objetiva, sobre a minuta de Regimento Interno, construída pelo Grupo Articulador. Ao término, as pessoas serão orientadas a se deslocarem para os trabalhos em grupo, nas rodas de conversa, nas salas de aula já reservadas.

3) Coordenadores das rodas de conversa : Cidilene, Dafiana, Erenildo, Kézia, Luciana, Mara (*), Maria Paula, Verônica (*), Regina, Salete, Socorro (*) e Zoraida.

4) Número máximo de pessoas por grupo: 15. Como o tamanho do Encontro é de 120 pessoas, teremos então 8 grupos. Se for avaliado mais conveniente para uma melhor intervenção dos presentes, podemos trabalhar com 10 grupos de 12 pessoas.  

5) Comissão de Sistematização do Encontro: relator de cada grupo da roda de conversa. Logo no início dos trabalhos de cada grupo das rodas de conversa, será escolhido dentre os presentes o(a) relator(a).

6) Atividade Cultural: Trio do SESC, para tocar durante o horário do almoço – das 12h às 13h.

7) Café de recepção (manhã) aos participantes: café/leite/bolo/biscoito. Bancado com recursos do Fórum. Regina e Zoraida ficaram de providenciar garrafas térmicas. 

8) Almoço: servido pela Cantina do IFPB, bem próxima ao Auditório II (onde acontecerá a abertura e plenária final), ao preço de R$ 7,00 com dois tipos de carnes e um copo de suco. Bancado com recursos do Fórum.

9) Pastas do Encontro, contendo cópia da minuta de Regimento Interno , Bloco para anotações, caneta e instrumento de avaliação do Encontro . 

10) Grupo de Apoio: três alunos do PROEJA/IFPB, cada um recebendo R$ 50,00. Os mesmos deverão chegar ao IFPB às 7h para já irem preparando as pastas do Encontro.

11) Certificados e Declarações. Serão bancados com recursos do Fórum.

12) Folder. Já foram reproduzidos por Cidilene. Os mesmos estarão disponíveis na mesa de credenciamento do Encontro.

13) Confeccionar uma faixa alusiva ao XXXVII Encontro. Responsável pela ação: Zoraida

14) Sorteio de cinco livros na Plenária Final.

15) Distribuição de vagas, considerando-se o limite de 120.

ESTADO: 30 - PMJP: 35 - UFPB: 10 - IFPB: 10 - UEPB: 15 - SESC: 04 - BREJO: 05 - SERTÃO: 05 - RELEJA: 02 - SESI: 02 -  ZÉ PEÃO/SAL DA TERRA: 02

Até sábado!!!!! 

Este relato/síntese está sob minha responsabilidade, aberto aos demais presentes na reunião de 07/06/2011 para as devidas complementações que julgarem necessárias.

Um afetuoso abraço a todos.

Relator: Zoraida Arruda




FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. -- A person familiar with the situation says Falcons coach Mike Smith has been fined $15,000 by cheap jerseys the NFL for a sideline altercation involving former Atlanta cornerback DeAngelo Hall. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the league has not officially commented on the situation. nfl jerseys cheap The person also says that Falcons director of athletic performance Jeff Fish was fined $2,500. The trouble started in Sunday's cheap nfl jerseysgame after Washington safety LaRon Landry delivered a late hit on quarterback Matt Ryan along the Atlanta sideline. San Francisco 49ers JerseysHall jumped into the middle of things and was quickly surrounded by opposing players, along with Smith and Fish. Hall joined the Redskins last season new york giants jerseys after playing in Atlanta from 2004-07. He has been critical of his former team

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About the only thing missing from Peyton Manning's day was a sixth straight 300-yard passing game. nfl jerseys cheapIt wouldn't have been appropriate for the Indianapolis Colts quarterback to try to tie the NFL record the way his unbeaten team was beating up on New Orleans Saints Jerseys the woeful St. Louis Rams. Manning was 23 for 34 for 235 yards and three touchdown passes and the defense got its first score of the year on rookie Jacob Lacey's 35-yard interception return in a 42-6 rout Sunday. Looking fresh coming off San Francisco 49ers Jerseystheir bye, the Colts won their 15th straight regular-season game and set a franchise record with their eighth straight road victory. There were plenty of cheers from a sellout crowd that included a healthy contingent of Indianapolis fans, New York Jets Jerseys many who lingered to salute players after the game. The Colts are 6-0 for the fourth time in five seasons. The Rams (0-7) lost their 17th straight New York Giants Jerseys regular-season game, wasting a season-best 134 yards on 23 carries by Steven Jackson. St. Louis' highlight came on its opening drive, a 50-yard houston texans jerseys flea-flicker from Marc Bulger to Donnie Avery to the Colts 14, but the drive fizzled and the Colts forced a short field goal.

And that's what we're looking at." Staging a Super Bowl abroad, however, "is not something that is under cheap jerseysactive consideration," Goodell said. The league is considering expanding the regular season to 17 or 18 games, with a possibility for every team to play one game abroad. Patriots owner Robert Kraft said if the Wholesale Jerseysleague wants more of the current franchises to travel internationally for games, the regular season should be extended so that teams can keep the same number of home games. The Bucs are giving up a home game this season. "I'm not sure our fans would appreciate us giving up a regular-season (home) game, and I know I wouldn't like to do that. But eventually I think there's a href="">Nike NFL Jerseysa chance of that if we expand the schedule," Kraft said. Kraft said placing an NFL team in London "would be the right thing to do some time in the next decade." Goodell said he would prefer a potential London-based team was a nfl jerseys salecompletely new franchise, rather than moving one from an existing market. "We would like to keep all our teams where they are," he said. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady didn't sound too enthusiastic about playing for a team based in Europe. "That would be challenging," nfl jerseys Brady said. "But I don't see that happening any time soon." The league is also eyeing having a team in Los Angeles again, especially after California Gov.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell expects the league to start playing multiple regular-season games cheap jerseysin Britain in the next few years - an expansion that could lead to putting a franchise in London. Goodell said Friday that "every indicator" shows the British market can support more games and that having a franchise here is of nike nfl jerseys"tremendous interest" to the league. But he stopped short of giving a timeline for expanding the NFL's overseas presence. "The interest and the enthusiasm for our game continues to grow, and we want to feed that," Goodell said. "We want to respond to that by hopefully bringing more to the UK." cheap nfl jerseysGoodell spoke at a sports conference Friday ahead of Sunday's game between the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Wembley Stadium. It's the third year in a row the NFL is staging a nfl jerseys saleregular-season game in London, and the league is now looking into playing at least two games a year in Britain, he said. Aside from London, Manchester and Glasgow, Scotland, are being looked at as potential venues. "I expect that sometime in the next couple of years, we could be playing multiple games here,"nfl jerseys Goodell said. "If we brought more than one game here, and it continues to have the same kind of enthusiasm and growth of interest, I think that is about as good of an indicator you can get that it could successfully support a franchise.

There are no guarantees in the NFL. Well, except for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Folks, if you thought an cheap jerseysuninterested Tennessee Titans team in the Foxborough snow storm was brutal, just wait till you and 80,000 of your British friends get a glimpse of Tampa Bay. These aren’t Jon Gruden’s Bucs. Hell, I’m not sure they’cheap nfl jerseysre even Jeff Garcia’s Bucs. In fact, taking a closer look at their 0-6 start, they might not even be Vinny Testeverde’s Bucs. They may be worse. Seriously. When a journeyman wide receiver like Antonio Bryant is complaining about his role (or perceived lack thereof) in the offense, you know you’re not exactly headed for big things. Somewhere, deposed offensive coordinator Jeff Jagodzinski has to be thinking getting canned was the better option. After a 9-3 start last year, Tampa Bay has now lost 10 straight games. They purged their aging roster and are now paying for it. wholesale jerseysAt quarterback, Byron Leftwich has given way to Josh Johnson. Toss a coin to determine who’s been worse. It’s high time to find out what they’ve got in rookie Josh Freeman, other than a loud-mouthed first round draft pick who’chicago bears jerseyss not against hyping himself. First year head coach Raheem Morris didn’t exactly sound encouraging this week when asked to handicap this matchup with the Patriots. “You're going to play a team that just scored 59 points," Morris glumly pointed out. dallas cowboys jerseys "Bill Belichick is not going to take it easy on us," Morris added. "He just played an 0-and-whatever team, and the score was 59-0. Now he's going to play another one.

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LANDOVER, Md. cheap jerseys -- Sherm Lewis might want to go back to bingo. Or, better yet, he might want to apply for a job as the Philadelphia Eagles' play caller -- it's a much easier job with someone such as DeSean Jackson on your side. Jackson scored on a 67-yard reverse and caught a 57-yard touchdown pass in the first half, nike nfl jerseysand the Eagles converted three turnovers into points Monday night in a 27-17 win over the Washington Redskins. Nearly all the scoring came in the first half of an injury-filled game -- Philadelphia's cheap nfl jerseysBrian Westbrook (concussion) and Washington's Chris Cooley (right ankle) left early and didn't return. The win got the Eagles green bay packers jerseys (4-2) back to form after last week's jarring loss to the Oakland Raiders. Donovan McNabb completed 15 of 25 passes for 156 yards, getting his 200th touchdown pass and surpassing 30,000 yards passing for his career. The defense sacked new orleans saints jerseysJason Campbell six times, and newcomer Will Witherspoon ran back an interception for a touchdown and created another turnover even though he's been with the team for only a week.

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The Patriots experienced some unconventional early-season setbacks, dropping games to the Jets and jerseys But with two consecutive blowouts against hapless, winless and largely hopeless squads, the perennially contending New Englanders are back where they ought to be among the league's top title hopefuls.OfWholesale Jerseys course, there are other teams willing to fight the Patriots for the right to represent their conference in the Super Bowl, and, frankly, there are teams with more impressive resumes to this point in Nike NFL Jerseysthe season. Where do the Pats stand? Check out this week's NFL Power Rankings, where we run through each NFL team from best to worst. 1. New Orleans Saints (6-0, first in NFC South) Overcoming a nfl jerseys sale21-point deficit against the underrated Dolphins was impressive. Scoring 46 points in doing so was even more impressive. New Orleans' offense is unstoppable when it's functioning properly. 2. Indianapolis Colts nfl jerseys(6-0, first in AFC South) Another ho-hum blowout of a crummy team. Still, Peyton Manning has to be the front-runner for the NFL MVP award.

With two starters ruled out and two others, including running back Brian Westbrook, listed as questionable, cheap jerseys the Philadelphia Eagles go into their biggest game of the season with key health issues. The Eagles (4-2) host the New York nike nfl jerseysGiants (5-2) on Sunday with first place in the NFC East at stake. But Westbrook is questionable after suffering a cheap nfl jerseys concussion in last Monday's victory over Washington. Coach Andy Reid said Friday that wide receiver Kevin Curtis (knee), nfl jerseys saledefensive end Victor Abiamiri (knee), and backup cornerback/special teams player Dimitri Patterson (hand/quadriceps) won't play against New York. He also said free safety Victor Harris (ankle) and backup defensive nfl jerseysend Chris Clemons (elbow) are questionable. None of them practiced Friday. "It's going to be a game-day decision," Reid said of Westbrook, who traditionally performs well against the Giants.

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Larry Johnson's attempt to clean up the mess he started last weekend begins now. First, the running cheap jerseysback is filing an appeal of his suspension by the Chiefs, which was issued following his use of gay slurs on his Twitter page and in front of reporters. The appeal will be filed on Friday, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. cheap nfl jerseysThe hearing on the suspension is expected to be held on Tuesday. Johnson first used the slur in an exchange with one of wholesale jerseys his followers on Twitter, then reportedly whispered it again in front of reporters after saying he would not talk to them. chicago bears jerseysJohnson was suspended through Nov. 9 for a violation of conduct detrimental to the team. He will miss one game and will lose approximately $600,000 unless dallas cowboys jerseys he and team can iron things out before the scheduled hearing. Additionally, Johnson's agent, Peter Schaffer, told The Kansas City Star via email that his client and the Chiefs are working on a settlement that could affect Johnson's future. Schaffer was evasive when asked if the settlement could involve Johnson's departure from Kansas City, saying only that was "not necessarily" the case.

Giants running back Ahmad Bradshaw plans to play through a broken bone in his foot, but New Yorkcheap jerseys may be without a key offensive contributor this Sunday. Wide receiver Mario Manningham injured his shoulder in Thursday’s practice and, nfl jerseys cheap after sitting out on Friday, the second-year man out of Michigan is a game-time decision against the Eagles. The 23-year-old Manningham has 28 catches for 439 yards and four touchdowns this season, so his absence would cheap nfl jerseys be significant. This NFC East matchup against the Eagles is pivotal for Tom Coughlin’s team, as the G-Men (5-2) currently San Francisco 49ers Jerseyslead the division by just a half-game over Philly (4-2). The Giants have dropped their last two games -- a rout against New Orleans and an upset to Arizona -- so they need to get back on track before their Week 10 bye to avoid tumbling down the standings. new york giants jerseysTo win in Philadelphia, the Giants will have to be able to move the ball through the air. Andy Reid’s defense ranks third in the NFC against the run, holding opposing ground games to just 3.5 yards per carry this season.

cheap jerseys Andy Reid’s defense ranks third in the NFC against the run, holding opposing ground games to just 3.5 yards per carry this season. nike nfl jerseysWith Brandon Jacobs still finding his rhythm and Bradshaw not 100 percent, the Giants can’t expect to do much damage without cheap nfl jerseys Eli Manning throwing the pigskin. But Manning has struggled of late, throwing four interceptions and averaging green bay packers jerseys just over six yards per attempt over the last two games,new orleans saints jerseys possibly because of plantar fasciitis in his right foot. Missing one of his primary targets certainly won’t help matters for Manning.

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اغاني العراق ,
اغاني عراقيه ,
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, بنوتة ,
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منتديات ,
بنوتة العراقية

 دردشة عراقية     
دردشة عراقية

 دردشة عراقية     
دردشة عراقية

احسان امير

احمد السلطان
حمد المصلاوي
احمـد جاكي
بشار القيسي
تيسيرالسفير   كليبات أجنبية 
ايهاب توفيق  
تامر حسني  
بهاء سلطان  
تامر عاشور 
خالد عجاج 
جمال ياسين 
رامي صبري 
رضا صديق 
شيرين احمد  

 دردشة عراقية    دردشة عراقية     دردشة عراقية  

 دردشة عراقية

حاتم العراقي
حسام رسام  
حسن الرسام 
,  دالي  ,

رعد ناصري  
رعد وميثاق   
سيف العراقي   
عادل مختار  
قاسم السلطان  
كاظم الساهر   
كلوديا حنا 
كوكتيل عراقي 2011   
ماجد المهندس  
محمد سالم  
نصرت البدر  

 دردشة عراقية       
دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية     
دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية

هيبت البدر
هيثم يوسف  
وليد الشامي   
ياس خضر 
كليبات عربية 
 كيلبات عراقية  
نكت سوالف تحشيش عراقي 
مسلسلات العراقية حصريا بدردشة
بنوتة العراقية
مقاطع فديو متنوعة عراقي , عربي ,
اجنبي فضايح

 دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية   
دردشة عراقية

عمرو دياب
  () دردشة
() شات بنوتة ()
دردشة بنوتة العراقية ()
منتديات بنوتة ()
منتديات بنوتة العراقية ()
 جات بنوتة ()
دردشة عراقية ()
شات عراقي ()
دردشة عراقية
, دردشة

 دردشة عراقية     
دردشة عراقية     
دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية   
دردشة عراقية


شأت بنات مصر

سوريا كتابي

دردشة العراق
دردشة بنوتة العراقية
 توبيكات عراقية  

شأت سعودي

شأت أماراتي

شأت بنات مصر


شات بحريني
شأت تعب


 دردشة عراقية 

سجل الزوار
دخول المراقبين 
دليل الصور 
أغاني عراقية 
طرب عراقي  
اغاني عراقية  
حصريا اغاني عراقية 2012  

اشعار عراقيه   
اغاني كردي  
أغاني مصرية  
أغاني خليجية  
اغاني اماراتيه  

دردشة بنوتة

دردشة الاردن   
دردشة عراقية

اغاني اجنبيه
اغاني عراقية منوعة
عمرو دياب  
 اغاني عمر دياب 2012  
حصريا عمر دياب 2012   

صور العراق
صور فنانين
 صور بنات
فنانين 2012
 دجلة نت


 دردشة عراقية    
دردشة عراقية    

صور تحشيش

صور هيفاء
وهبي خاص 2012
صور حسام رسام
صور محمد سالم
استديو الاغاني العراقية
اغاني عراقية ,
طرب عراقي
حسام الرسام
صور حسام رسام
, اغاني عراقية
  شات عربي   

 دردشة عراقية  

 اغاني العراق
,  اغاني حسام
سجل الزوار

دفتر تدوين
حسام رسام
صور حسام رسام
   اغاني عراقية 
اغاني العراق 
فديوات عراقية 
فديو عراقي  دردشة
  شات عراقية

دردشة بنوتة قلوب 

شات بنوتة قلبي 
بنوتة قلبي  
دردشة بنوتة قلبي  شات
, بنوتة عراقية  
دردشة عراقية  
دردشة العراق
  منتديات العراق 
منتديات عراقية 
بنوتة قلبي   

 دردشة عراقية       
دردشة عراقية     
دردشة عراقية     

مسجات عراقية ,
دردشة عراقية ,
 جات عراقي

دردشة عراقية 
دردشة العراق 
هاي عراق  
دجلة نت
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  دردشة هاي  
دردشة هاي عراق  

 دردشة عراقية    

شات هاي عراق
منتدى الدين  قصص
مواضيع العام
منتديات العامة  
قصص عامة  

النقاش الجاد الرأي
والرأي الاخر
قسم لغة
منتدى الشعر الفصيح

اشعار عراقية 2013 
منتدى الشعر
شعر شعبي 2013 
شعر عراقي 
منتدى الدارمي
والابوذية والزهيري
درميات عراقية 2013  
القصص والروايات
قصص عراقية   
روايات عراقية   

منتدى الخواطر و الغزل
خواطر عراقي  

منتدى الصور العامة

  صور عراقية
 صور 2013  
صور سياحة   
صور سيارات جديده -
صور سيارات حديثة -
صور سيارات جديدة
كاريكاتير وغرائب
صور مضحكة 2013 
منتدى الطبخ 
حظك اليوم -
الابراج اليومية -
الابراج 2013

قسم تحشيش /

برامج الكمـــبيوتر والانترينت
منتدى ألعاب الكمبيـــــــوتر
منتدى تطوير المواقع
ومنتديات vb
اهلا وسهلا  صور
تصاميم جديدة
- صور
تصاميم رومانسية
صور تصاميم 2013


فديو كارتون 
مسلسلات كارتون 
مسلسلات -
مسلسلات خليجية -
مسلسلات عربية -
مسلسلات جديدة 
منتدى الافلام 
الاجنبيه و العربيه
فديــــــــــو العام
منتدى مسلسلات التركيه
: درام تركي

اغاني عراقية
- طرب

اغاني عراقية حصريا 
استوديواغاني عربية طرب
- اغاني MP3

كلمات الاغاني
الاغاني الكردية وتركيه
اخبار الفن -
اخبار المشاهير -
اخبار الفنانين 
صور فنانين العرب
فنانين عراقيين
بوسترات فنانين عراقين

اغاني عراقية

انين  طرب
دردشة انين القلب   
دردشة انين  
 شات انين القلب  
شات طرب انين  
 دردشة     تشات
   طرب انين القلب   
دردشة طرب 
شات طرب انين القلب  شات
    شات طرب عراقي 
دردشة انين  
شات انين القلب   

دردشة بنوتة قلبي  
شات بنوتة قلبي  
شات عراق رومانسية   
دردشة عراقنا    
دردشة صبايا  
شات صبايا العراق  
دردشة صبايا العراقية
صور بنات 
صور فنانين   
صور العراق  
اغاني جيفاير  
مجلة شات  نكات

مجلة شات بنوتة   
نكات بنوتة العراقية 
تحشيش عراقي
سالم اغنيه نو نو 2012
 نونو 2012 
محمد سالم 2012 
فديو كليب  محمد سالم نونو
عراقية 2012
  فديو يوتب
  اغاني عراقية فديو 2012